Monday, November 2, 2015

How to install upgrade Firefox to the latest version 41 in Linux

As I searched, there is no exact mechanism to upgrade Firefox to the latest from existing version.

There are two options to do,

  1. ·         Remove existing old version and then install new version
  2.            Keep existing old version (if needed) and keep and run new version separately. This option is very needful when you have software plugins that are only supports to older version of Firefox. Therefore we need to keep both versions since we have no options.

First of all we need to download Firefox latest version that compatible for Linux,


This can be done by directly downloading from Firefox site,

Or using Linux commands,

Cd <your_Location>

Then extract downloaded tar file using below tar command,

# tar xvjf firefox-41.0.2.tar.bz2

Now Firefox is ready to use. Go to the created Firefox folder and run Firefox script using terminal,

# cd firefox
# bash ./firefox

No you can use both versions of Firefox. If you want to make new version as default and remove existing one,
Remove existing version,

# yum remove firefox

Now create a link to /usr/bin from newly extracted Firefox,

# ln –s /<your_Location>/firefox/firefox /usr/bin/firefox

Now you have successfully installed Firefox on your Linux machine. 

*** You can download and extract your Firefox to any <your_Location>. But recommended place should be /usr/local since we install software into local.