Thursday, February 11, 2016

How to load balance MySQL or Oracle databases using HAproxy

To load balance RDBMS like MYSQL and Oracle, you cannot use http as haproxy protocol.
Therefore you need to change the protocol from http to tcp.

We can do this by changing default mode to tcp.

Or we can mention protocol in frontends and backends like below,

frontend http-in
        bind *:<listening Port> #database listening port
        option tcplog
        mode tcp
        default_backend db_backend
backend db_backend
        mode tcp
        balance source
        server db1 <db server1 IP>:<your port> check #change with your IP and port
        server db2 <db server2 IP>:<your port> check #change with your IP and port
listen stats *:8080
        stats enable
        stats scope http-in
        stats scope db_backend
        stats uri /haproxy?stats
        stats hide-version
        stats auth haproxy:stats

That’s all. Now restart haproxy service,

#systemctl restart haproxy.service


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  2. Implementing load balancing for MySQL or Oracle databases is crucial for optimizing performance and ensuring high availability. Explore To Games By distributing queries across multiple servers, it enhances system efficiency.
