Monday, April 6, 2015

How to install jboss brms business central using installer jar file – part 1

You can download jboss brms using below community link,

There are different type of downloadable files in the link. You can install as a new fresh copy or to an existing jbos eap using installer jar file. Also you can just download deployable zip file and use as it is.
In here I am going to explain how to install jboss brms using installer.
First download the installer jar file.
Then execute the jar file using below command. There are two types of installation,

Install jboss brms using GUI mode,

Go to the jar file location using command line and type below command,

[akila@localhost brms]# java -jar jboss-brms-installer-6.0.3.GA-redhat-1.jar

Then it will prompt a wizard to install brms.

First select the installation location. If you have an existing eap instance, give its parent directory as installation path.then it will automatically install brms to the existing server. If you are going to install brms in a fresh eap instance, select a poper location as the path.

Then it will ask for user creation. Give a password to admin and brmsAdmin users. Remember that the brmsAdmin is the account ure going to access brms application.

In the next wizard it will ask to enable or disable java security manager. Just uncheck that option.

Next it will ask to enable ipv6 or not. If you have an ipv6 then enable.if you just use ipv4, uncheck option and click next.

Then it will ask for the type of the installation,default or not. Click default installation.

Now it will install the server and the brms application.

Finally it will ask to save installation data files. Click yes and exit from the you are correctly installed the server and the brms application.

Now start the server using <jbossHOME>/bin/ using below command,

[akila@localhost bin]# ./

And try the application using below url after successfully start the server,

It will prompt the login screen and give the credentials that u created in the installation (username – brmsAdmin)

Install jboss brms using cli mode

If you are going to install brms in a remote machine using putty or kind of application, you cannot use GUI mode to install the brms server. So there is an option to install it using console mode from same jar file.
Got to the jar file location using command prompt and type below command,

[akila@localhost brms]# java -jar jboss-brms-installer-6.0.3.GA-redhat-1.jar -console

Now it will ask agreement for the license, press 1 and hit enter button

Now give the path to install application. If you have an existing installation, just give its parent directory.
Ex. /home/akila/jbossBRMS

Press 1 and hit enter.

Then it will ask to create admin and brmsAdmin accounts.

Press 1 and hit enter in both user creations.
Now it will ask to enable the Java security manager
Press 0 and hit enter.
Now it will ask to enable pure IPv6 configuration
Press 0 and hit enter.
Then it will ask to configure runtime environment
Press 0 and hit enter to select default installation.

Finally it will ask to generate final scripts,
Press y and hit enter.

After that you have successfully installed the brms in your machine using cli mode.

Now start the server using <jbossHOME>/bin/ using below command,

[akila@localhost bin]# ./

And try the application using below url after successfully start the server,

It will prompt the login screen and give the credentials that u created in the installation (username – brmsAdmin)

Now you have successfully installed and loged into the system. In next topic I’ll explain how to create a rule project in brms.

1 comment:

  1. Installing JBoss BRMS (Business Rules Management System) is a pivotal step in harnessing its powerful business rules capabilities. Games To Explore Following a systematic installation process ensures a smooth deployment.
